9. JavaScript DOM

JavaScript DOM Crash Course - Part 1 by Traversy Media

JavaScript DOM Crash Course - Part 2 by Traversy Media

JavaScript DOM Crash Course - Part 3 by Traversy Media

JavaScript DOM Crash Course - Part 4 [Final Project] by Traversy Media

DOM - Document Object Model

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects; that way, programming languages can interact with the page.

Course Content

  • 02:45 - DOM Introduction
    04:52 - HTML Structure
    07:07 - Examine the Document Object
    15:43 - Selectors
    15:54 - getElementById()
    22:29 - getElementsByClassName()
    27:11 - getElementsByTagName()
    29:14 - querySelector()
    34:48 - querySelectorAll()

  • 00:23 - Traversing the DOM Introduction
    01:18 - Parents
    01:18 - .parentNode
    04:03 - .parentElement
    04:48 - Children, .childNodes
    06:36 - .children
    08:03 - .firstChild
    08:58 - .firstElementChild
    09:38 - .lastChild & .lastElementChild
    10:37 - Siblings
    10:37 - .nextSibling
    11:17 - .nextElementSibling
    12:04 - .previousSibling
    12:31 - .previousElementSibling
    14:12 - Create Elements
    14:30 - .createElement()
    16:50 - .createTextNode()
    17:27 - .appendChild()
    17:59 - Insert Created Elements Into the DOM
    18:12 - .insertBefore()

  • 00:11 - Introduction
    00:45 - Event Listener Introduction
    02:46 - .addEventListener() with Click Event
    04:59 - Event Parameter
    05:47 - e.target
    08:43 - e.type
    09:10 - e.clientX
    09:40 - e.clientY
    10:01 - e.offsetX
    10:29 - e.offsetY
    10:54 - e.altKey, ctrlKey & shiftKey
    12:26 - Mouse Events
    14:18 - dblclick
    14:38 - mousedown
    15:00 - mouseup
    15:17 - mouseenter
    17:03 - mouseleave
    17:19 - mouseover & mouseout
    19:15 - mousemove
    23:05 - Keyboard & Input Events
    24:17 - keydown
    26:11 - keyup
    26:34 - keypress
    26:50 - focus & blur
    27:34 - cut
    28:41 - paste
    28:50 - input
    29:23 - change
    31:50 - submit

  • 2:23 - add event listener
    5:52 - add text node
    8:29 - add the classes
    9:31 - create a text node
    9:44 - append the button to the li
    10:30 - add an event listener
    12:50 - confirm box
    13:33 - remove the child of the item list
    16:59 - get all the allies within the item list
    21:26 - add local storage


▶️ Traversy Media
🔗 JavaScript Tutorial by W3Schools


8. JavaScript


10. jQuery