13. ES6+
JavaScript ES6, ES7, ES8: Learn to Code on the Bleeding Edge (Full Course) by Traversy Media
ECMAScript 6+
Let’s get serious with JavaScript and learn its latest syntax. ES6 stands for ECMAScript 6. It allows you to write less code and do more. ES6 introduces many great features like arrow functions, template strings, class destruction, modules, and more.
Course Content
⌨️ Template Literals (1:06)
⌨️ Destructuring (5:32)
⌨️ Object Literal (9:42)
⌨️ For of loop (13:44)
⌨️ Spread operator (17:51)
⌨️ Rest operator (20:57)
⌨️ Arrow Functions (23:02)
⌨️ Default Params (25:50)
⌨️ Array.includes() (27:44)
⌨️ Let & const (28:58)
⌨️ Export & import (32:53)
⌨️ String.padStrart(), String.padEnd() (35:29)
⌨️ Classes (38:05)
⌨️ Trailing commas (49:59)
⌨️ Async/Await (51:27)
⌨️ Sets (1:01:19)
⌨️ What's Next (1:04:08)
▶️ Traversy Media
🔗 JavaScript ES6 Tutorial by W3Schools